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The Significance of Aquaponics

Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture and hydroponics. Besides being linked to improved health and reducing living costs there are important ecological and economic benefits for building your own aquaponic system that may be of interest to you.

In 2011⁄2012 mainstream media reports were just beginning to indicate a potential global food shortage. Reports from the financial markets were onto this several years earlier with respect to investment opportunities. The reasons given for media concern were identified as follows:

  • Depleting global water supply
  • Decreasing area of fertile farmland globally
  • Increasing global population
  • Emerging economies demanding more food of a better quality

Following are examples of concerns with relevance to the above points.

These articles imply that food looks set to be in short supply. The increased demand may drive prices high. This is where consumers who make use of aquaponics will reduce living costs and at the same time can improve their health.


The Basics of Aquaponics

Aquaponics is environmentally friendly and ecologically efficient. It is extremely conservative on water, has negligible environmental impact once set up with a solar pump and it can be compact. A compact system can be installed in a small courtyard or patio area. A space saving system can be installed vertically on a wall with the water cascading through troughs to create a garden as it grow’s your food.

Aquaponics consists of three basic elements for successful operation; fish, bacteria and plants. Fish waste leaves ammonia in the water. Bacteria convert the ammonia to sulphate. The sulphate becomes fertilizer for the plants. Ultimately, the plants clean the water for the fish. The only food necessary for the system is fish food. This is the most basic explanation of aquaponics. This website also explains the addition of seawater to a fresh water aquaponic system as a complete food (fertilizer) for the plants. This is covered in the Aquaponics Technical section. This is where you gain the complete spectrum of natural elements for your immune system. References to seawater research are covered in the Immune System page.


Aquaponics Practical Examples

The two videos in the following links illustrate how a simple aquaponic system can be constructed.

How to build a basic aquaponic system
Basic aquaponic system

Backyard Aquaponics is an extensive website which displays a variety of aquaqponic systems, videos and has free information downloads including a free Simplified Manual.

The Aquaponics Technical section is accessible via the button at the bottom of the menu and contains information which has been scientifically researched.

You can increase the efficiency of your system by adding a worm farm. Your vegetable scraps become worm food and the worms become fish food if you are growing carnivorous fish.

CAUTION: Using fish for barter or exchange without the appropriate license may be illegal in your jurisdiction. Check your legislation before attempting this practice.


Last update: 21-06-2018