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To begin to understand the “Why me?” it is beneficial to learn a little about the works of Dr. Maynard Murray and John Hamaker.

Dr. Maynard Murray’s Research

Dr. Maynard Murray was an MD at Boston General Hospital in the 1930’s. At the end of each work day he would wander down to the fishing wharves to relax. One particular day he met a fisherman and enquired what diseases fish contracted to cause them to become sick and die. The fisherman told Dr. Murray that he’d been fishing the deep ocean for thirty years and had never seen a sick fish. Never seen a sick fish! In thirty years!

It was that surprising answer that prompted Dr. Murray to embark upon forty years of research associating seawater with improved health. He had to know what was in deep ocean water that we are missing on dry land as he had assumed that the sick and dead fish he’d seen around the coast was just nature’s intention.

His research returned some valuable information which, to the detriment of our health, has been ignored by mainstream medicine and government authorities (there is much less money to be made from healthy people than sick people, and less taxes to be collected from a reduced transfer of money in the economy).

Dr. Murray built up a rapport with the U.S. Navy who collected deep ocean water from around the world for his experiments. He found the following properties in seawater and its effects when diluted to be used as a fertilizer on food crops. The points in quotes are direct extracts from his 1982 publication Sea Energy Agriculture.

  • “All elements of the atomic table are in solution of consistency, balance and proportion in seawater.”
  • “The proportions of trace minerals and elements present in seawater are at optimum for the growth and health of both land and sea plants. Excessive amounts of any given element(s) will drop to the bottom of the ocean where it can be taken up only if the plant and animal life have depleted that element from the seawater solution. Thus the chemical balance is maintained.”
  • In Dr. Murray’s experiments food crops showed strong resistance to frost, drought, disease and pests when fertilized with diluted seawater.
  • Animals developed a strong resistance to disease and pests when fed on seawater fertilized food. They also grew bigger which was more pronounced in the third generation than the first.
  • This statement from Dr. Murray highlights the similarity between seawater and blood, “…the quantitative analysis of the elements in the blood has essentially the same profile as the quantitative analysis of elements found in seawater, including the presence of large amounts of sodium chloride.”

One of Dr. Murray’s experiments using seawater fertilization that best emphasizes the health benefits to living creatures is presented in this extract from Sea Energy Agriculture:

“C3H mice were obtained for this feeding experiment. This strain of mice has been bred so all the females develop breast cancer which causes their demise. The mice were two months of age when received and started on the feeding experiments. The life expectancy of this strain for females is no more than nine months which includes the production of two or three litters. The experimental and the control groups both consisted of 200 C3H mice and those fed on control food were all dead within eight months, seven days. The experimental mice that were fed food grown on the sea solids fertilized soil lived until they were sacrificed at 16 months; definitive examination revealed no cancerous tissue. The experimental group produced ten litters compared to the usual two to three litters and none developed breast cancer.”

Such is the power of nature’s balance to enhance an immune system to the extent that it has the potential to prevent a common devastating illness.

Although Dr. Maynard Murray’s research was focussed on the elements in seawater, during his forty years of research he established that the soil is the source of our health. It was just logical that all elements from the soil were in the sea since rain leaches elements from the soil into rivers most of which flow into the sea as they have done so for millions of years.

You can grow two identical crops on two different soils. One can be healthy the other not so healthy and you won’t be able to tell the difference. Plants will grow on just thirteen elements. So you see, super foods are not necessarily super foods if they don’t contain the complete spectrum of elements in an acceptable balance that promotes Dr. Murray’s conclusion of optimal health.

For living things to develop optimal health Dr. Murray concluded that the soil must contain all elements in the periodic table. In excess of ninety. He also noted that an imbalance of elements can cause element blocking or element substitution hence the elements must also be in a balance acceptable to nature to attain optimal health which his research revealed when he compared the quantitative analysis of seawater with the quantitative analysis of blood.

To examine how and why our soils are failing to optimize our immune systems we can consider John Hamaker’s theory on the global climatic cycle.


An Overview of John Hamaker’s Theory

Claims of global soil mineral depletion are feasible when you consider the theory of the global climatic cycle presented in Hamaker’s 1982 publication The Survival of Civilisation.

John Hamaker’s theory was supported by scientific research which was considered advanced in its day. In brief our global climatic cycle spans approximately 100 thousand years; 90 thousand years of glaciation (ice age) followed by 10 thousand years of inter-glaciation (the temperate climate that we are currently experiencing). After thousands of years of rain leaching minerals from the soil, it is becoming increasingly infertile and in some regions unable to adequately support substantial vegetation. According to Hamaker this is an indication that we appear to be nearing the end of our inter-glacial period. The leaching of minerals is compounded by the clearing of millions of hectares of vegetation worldwide to make way for farming. Crops also take many more minerals from the soil than are replenished by commercial fertilizers which also acidify the soil and accelerate the leaching. It now appears that we are leading into the next glacial period. It will then take glaciers another 90 thousand years to powder more rock to remineralize the earth giving adequate support to all life so that humans can help screw it up in just 10 thousand years once again.

Hamaker’s theory is much more complex than just the one cycle presented above. The Milankovitch cycles also illustrate the complexity of earth’s climatic cycles. However, the object here is to identify the primary reason, in simple terms, for claims of global soil mineral depletion leading to malnutrition. (Be aware that not all scientists agree on this point. However, if the world’s soils are so good farmers would not need to keep pouring chemical fertilizers on their land every year and fertilizer producers would not exist.) It is also logical that leaching of the soil’s elements can’t go on forever without some sort of regeneration process, otherwise our entire planet will become nothing but a barren wasteland.

While Hamaker’s theory on the climatic cycle may be questionable in some circles and his forecast of the onslaught of doom and gloom may have been premature The Survival of Civilisation is a convincing testimony to the benefits of complete element spectrum rock dust fertilization.

Collectively Maynard Murray and John Hamaker have demonstrated that we are unable to obtain an acceptable level of health primarily due to a lack of naturally occurring elements in our soils where our immune systems begin. Perhaps this has the potential to cause malnutrition on a global scale leading to, and escalating illness.

The collective research documented in Dr. Maynard Murray’s and John Hamaker’s publications support the following key points.


Soil element depletion and an imbalance of elements is just the beginning of the “Why me?” explanation. If we investigate further the extent of the “Why me?” should become clearer.

It is interesting to note that Dr. Murray also observed substantially improved temperament in pigs when fed on seawater fertilized food which provided the complete spectrum of elements in the correct balance. With this in mind consider the cause of schizophrenia. This condition is known to be a chemical imbalance in the brain and is treated by administering a manufactured chemical to correct the imbalance. If Dr. Murray’s nutritionally optimized food improved temperament in pigs wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that nature’s correct element balance, administered by way of optimal nutrition in a diet, has the potential to improve irrational behaviour such as schizophrenia? After all, element depletion and a chemical imbalance extends through the entire body. Including the brain.

If you’re skeptical about Dr Murray’s pigs take a look at more recent studies of the behaviour in humans reported in this link. These reports and testimonials alert us to the effect on psychology caused by poor quality mainstream food.

Dietary effect on behaviour

Processed foods often contain artificial chemical additives which disrupt the natural chemical balance in our bodies. Adding chemicals that cause an imbalance exacerbates the imbalance already caused by the claimed global soil mineral deficiency. It appears that artificial additives in food can be partially attributed to the escalation of anti-social behaviour and crime throughout the world and may be adding to the cause of mental illness. Including schizophrenia.

Another topic to consider is the manufactured toxins we ingest (including household chemicals) which destroy the natural balance of our bio-chemistry. Here are some insights.

Pesticides in Food
Water Contaminants
Air Pollution

The unnatural act of genetically modifying foods is also in question of being a threat to health as the long term effects, if any, are not yet known.

Institute For Responsible Technology

GM food processors claim that there is no risk to health in genetically modified foods. They may be correct, but wasn’t that initially the claim with thalidomide and asbestos? The point is we do not yet know (and neither do the GM food processors) if genetically modified foods are safe for our health . The effects of genetic modification of foods has not yet been thoroughly examined over a substantial period of time and raises the question as to whether this unnatural process also undermines the natural balance of our bio-chemistry.


This website only addresses the first step of health which is the channelling of the complete element spectrum into your food supply. Absorbing the minerals, from the food, into your system in their optimal balance is the next step which is beyond the scope of this website. Below is an insight into just a few points you need to investigate for yourself.

The list is brief and the explanations are simplified but you must be starting to get the picture. Individually each health negative may be a minor disruption to a sound immune system but when compounded over a substantial period of time on top of the initial soil element depletion the effect on our health must be devastating.

On occasions you may have witnessed appropriately educated people through public media claim that prevailing illnesses such as influenza are becoming progressively stronger. Reflecting on the above research, perhaps it is logical to suspect that our immune systems are becoming progressively weaker creating the illusion that diseases are becoming progressively stronger.

If the elements necessary for optimal nutrition do not exist in the growing media of our food (soil or water) they will not be present to transfer through to our bio-chemistry to optimize our immune systems. It appears, from scientific research, that to give our immune systems the potential to optimize requires fertilizing plants with complete element rock dust or seawater from the deep ocean.

Soil mineral depletion is not a recent claim. It was evident at least as far back as the late 1800’s when German chemist Julius Hensel released his book Bread From Stones. In 1936 a member of the US Senate saw fit to reproduce an article on Dr. Charles Northen’s testimony to soil element depletion and present it to parliament as Senate Document 264. Detailed publication The Survival of Civilisation was released in 1982 by John D. Hamaker and Donald A. Weaver and contains numerous scientific references linking soil element content to health. Dr. Maynard Murray released his book Sea Energy Agriculture in 1982 after forty years of research discovering the health benefits in seawater and emphasized the need for us to replenish our planet’s leached soils with the complete spectrum of elements.

Before you move on let’s just recap on that “Why me?” short list.

The short list alone is enough to make you feel ill but you no longer need to ask “Why me?”

In a nutshell, it is just logical that anything we ingest or inject will alter the chemical balance in our systems whether in a positive or negative way. Dr. Maynard Murray spent forty years of his life establishing the basis of optimal health by scientific means and found that the complete element spectrum in a specific balance referenced by deep ocean water is required in our bio-chemistry. This research has been ignored by all governments. As stated previously, superbugs may just be an illusion resulting from our failing immune systems. This research also puts a big question mark over many synthetic treatments, including some vaccinations which could become unnecessary if we all decide to optimize our immune systems.

The content in this web page is a brief overview. To extend your knowledge pertaining to this content some links are included below.

Now that you have learnt a little about the “Why me?” you can proceed through the Aquaponics Basics, Rock Dust and Aquaponics Technical pages to learn how to build a solid foundation for your immune system.


Last update: 07-02-2021