This website avoids annoying waffle and the rubbish around the edge of your screen to keep your attention and get you straight to the point; just so we don’t waste your time.

Some of the information in these pages still requires links to scientific references hence it is advised that you conduct your own research even where references are linked.


On this webpage

  • Objectives and functions of Food Swap Global
  • Future developments

Website Focus

If you are burdened with an annoying ailment, debilitating medical condition or serious illness (which includes cancer) or just a constant lack of energy you may ask yourself, “Why me?”

To save you asking “Why me?”, a feasible “Why me?” explanation is presented in these web pages with references to long-standing scientific research. The explanation may allow some of you to take action now to prevent the “Why me?” from ever happening. We may have been designed by nature to avoid illness almost entirely. If this is so, what’s going wrong?

Be aware that this is not a complete health education website. This website demonstrates how to establish the essential foundation on which to build your health. Research indicates that without this foundation you will be unable to attain optimal health. It appears to be the necessary first step that is overlooked by almost everybody in the world, both in the mainstream medical and natural health fields.

The “Why me?” explanation starts on the Immune System page. Below is a brief explanation of this website’s functions in addition to the educational objective.


Website functions

  • Health Improvement – Details how to grow food that has the complete spectrum of elements which, it appears from scientific research, your body should have by nature. This will allow you the potential to create optimal health which industrialized and processed foods don’t do. Seawater dosing of aquaponics and rock dust fertilization of soil are the methods you can use to achieve this. An explanation and examples of aquaponics are presented in the Aquaponics Basics page. Rock dust fertilization is presented in the Rock Dust page.
  • Reduction of Living Costs – Reducing food costs is only one aspect of reducing your living costs. Boosting your immune system to prevent illnesses will assist you in greatly reducing the expense of doctor’s visits, hospitalization and pharmaceutical drugs commonly prescribed to treat preventable illnesses.

At this stage Food Swap Global has been launched in a stripped down, bare bones state for educational purposes only. We expect to progressively add database functions to allow food swapping and business funcitons associated with aquaponics construction and rock dusting of soil based agriculture.

The predominant focus here is to present to you a way of mineralizing your food using seawater or unrefined sea salt as a natural, complete element spectrum fertilizer in fresh water aquaponics and broad element spectrum rock dust for the fertilization of soil. Aquaponics is an efficient and compact method of establishing a strong foundation on which to build your health. Rock dust fertilization is the natural method of achieving the same. Both are referenced in the Immune System page and are supported by extensive, long-standing scientific research.

To gain a complete appreciation of the world’s progressively deteriorating health and how to correct it, it would be beneficial for you to read this website entirely, including the links provided

Last information update: 23-06-2018